The Thrill Seekers Guide to England

Here is a guide to the top ten thrill seeking activities that you can enjoy right outside your own doorstep!

1. Ghyll Scrambling, Derwent Water– If the name doesn’t ring any bells, Ghyll scrambling is also k

English: Part of the Big Dipper with Infusion ...

nown as gorge scrambling. Basically, you get to scramble into, out of, and through the middle of a river. Don your wetsuit and helmet, and enjoy the natural waterslides!

2. Mountain Climbing, Lake District – Scafell Pike, England’s tallest mountain offers a challenging climb for most enthusiasts. There are plenty of technical rock surfaces to cut your climbing teeth on, and the scenery from the top is amazing!

3. Rollercoaster Riding, Blackpool Pleasure Beach Theme Park – If you’ve never heard of the Pepsi Max Big One, you’re seriously missing an adrenaline rush. Europe’s tallest rollercoaster is nestled into this fantastic family theme park, and it stands at a whopping 235ft high. The three-minute ride will feel like a lifetime as your heart races to keep up with the speed.

4. Paragliding, Lake District – There are an increasing amount of venues available for paragliding in England, but the Lake District is best. The peaks are higher, and you get the added excitement of climbing to the top of a mountain before launching yourself off (with wings attached!)

5. Kite Surfing, Lancashire – The expansive beaches of Lancashire are home to this fantastic water-borne activity. You get to surf at great speeds across the ocean, then defy gravity as the wind thrusts you into the air! This is not at all for the faint-hearted!

6. Laser Combat, Manchester – If you like the idea of paintballing, but hate the bruises the day afterward, laser combat offers an awesome similar alternative. You get the thrill of the chase – without getting bruised every two seconds by exploding paint.

7. Drag Racing, Wellingborough – If you fancy reaching speeds in excess of 170mph in just 8-seconds, you will love riding the “two-seater” dragster. This is the experience of a lifetime!

8. White Water Rafting, Various Locations – There is nothing quite like the thrill of conquering a loud, gushing river in a rubber tube. You will be holding onto the rubber handles for dear life as the river shows you no mercy!

9. Bungee Jumping, Various Locations – Leaping from enormous heights connected to what, in essence, is a giant elastic band is an immensely scary proposition. When you reach the summit, you’ll be wondering what you were ever thinking, but the thrills on the way down will make it well worth your while!

10. Extreme Mountain Biking, Derbyshire – Look out for scary trails, rocky scrambles, and unchartered territory – it’s just you and your bike now! You will love this adventure, and it will also keep you in great shape!

Get your thrills on ten different ways in sunny England this year, and enjoy the thrill of mastery and accomplishment! Pleasure Beach family theme parkis THE place for extreme coaster sports, but the great outdoors offers just as many exciting options!

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