Holidays in Turkey

Turkey is a country with a long and colourful history. In its past it has been the place where great battles took place, where in 333 Alexander the Great undid the Gordian Knot to claim the rule of the whole of Asia, where Achilles fought the Trojans and where the Ottoman Empire became the largest and most enduring empires in the whole of history, and changed the face of the world.

Although Turkey is never far from some kind of political turmoil, for most of us, when we think of Turkey holidays are what come to mind. It is a place where you can bask in the warm waters of the Mediterranean, enjoy a traditional Turkish hamam, visit the vast Nemrut Daği National and enjoy the vivacious and colourful markets and streets of Istanbul.  Of course there is also the amazing Turkish cuisine.

One of the more popular Turkish dishes is Shish Kebab which is a skewer of lamb pieces which are grilled over a charcoal fire.  The ubiquitous Döner Kebab is another firm favourite. This is another lamb dish in which a roll of processed lamb is roasted on a grill as it rotates. Vine leaves that are stiffed with rice, spices and capsicum peppers and which are known as Dolma and Pilav is another common dish. Turkey is also known for its sweets, particularly Turkish Delight which is called Lokum.

The Turkish climate is quite varied. On the coastline of the Aegean and Mediterranean seas the summers are hot and dry and the winters are wet and mild. In the Black sea regions the summers are warm with a large amount of rain and the winters are equally wet and quite cold. The wettest part of Turkey is in the east.  The climate in Istanbul and the other regions of Turkey bordering the sea of Marmara is very much a combination of those described above.

If you move inland then the climate becomes somewhat harsher. Winter temperatures on the internally lying and very snowy Anatolian plateau can fall to -40C and in the summer temperatures of 30C are quite common.

You will find many excellent holiday resorts on the Turkish coast which offer a selection of different kinds of holidays for different kinds of people.

On the southern coast the Mediterranean resort of Beldi is the perfect resort for families which are looking for the perfect beach holiday along with a little bit extra. Beldi is a great place for those new to sailing to get their first taste of it and for more proficient sailors to hone their skills. As well as sailing and other sports the resort is close enough to take a daytrip to Istanbul.

For those who are looking for a luxurious spa holiday where they can enjoy delicious spa treatments and enjopy watersports on the Aegean Sea, Bodrum Palmiye is the perfect location. Another family friendly resort is Palmiye at the foot of the Taurus Mountains. The resort is famous for its emphasis on sports of various kinds including tennis and sailing. There is a beautiful palm lined beach and several swimming pools.

Not everybody wants children around when they are on vacation and one Turkish resort that is kid free is Kemer.  This resort is all about having a good time both in and out of the sea.

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