Tips for a European Backpacking Trip

backpacker tips

Whether looking to travel to Eastern or Western Europe, the opportunities are incredible and vast. It is also important to determine a budget before heading to Europe. In addition to the cost of the trip itself to include airfare, ground transportation, food, and various activities along the way, you also want to look at cost for the backpacking equipment. You could take your own equipment along or simply rent what you need once the destination is reached. Of course, always research the country’s currency and consider exchange rates.

Because backpacking is so popular throughout Europe, there are many equipment rental companies. Obviously, you want to choose a company that has updated, strong, and reliable equipment. The key is to go with a durable side loader style of backpack, which works well. Additionally, always get a guidebook for the area being explored, sleeping gear, and camping gear if you plan to spend the night in the wilderness. You also want to keep some money and your travel documents with you at all times.

Depending on the experience you want, you might go to Europe with a friend where the two of you venture through different regions alone. However, you will also find many tours for people who want the backpacking adventure but are single travelers or simply feel more confident and safe while in a large group. A reputable travel agent could provide names of organisations that put these types of tours together.

To save money, you might also consider airlines other than the obvious. Many European flights are available through unheard of airlines. These airlines are typically safe and most often provide great discounted rates. Finally, before you head to Europe for your backpacking adventure, do research on the areas of interest and try to learn some of the local language. Often, having a better understanding of the lingo will make the experience much greater.

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