Graceland, The King’s Legend Lives On

Despite all the shops selling everything Elvis from records to stam181028_graceland_living_roomps and all things Presley inbetween, once you enter the gates of Graceland and start the drive up towards the mansion, there’s an overwhelming feeling that this is a special place. Whether you’re wandering around listening to an audio tour, or taking the staff led version, you get a definite sense of time having stopped still on the day that Elvis died. The so-called “Jungle Room”, and then state of the art living room are probably little changed from the last time he saw them. Perhaps that’s a little spooky, but hey this is Graceland!

Outside in the Memorial Garden is the best glimpse into what makes Graceland precious to the millions of Elvis fans worldwide. Here the King of Rock and Roll is buried, and the atmosphere around his graveside is full of respectful regret as fans look at their hero’s final resting place as his music softly plays from the hidden depths of the memorial area. With floral tributes from various Elvis fan clubs still in operation, it’s hard to believe how many years it is since Elvis sang his long songs.

There’s a lot of hype around Graceland, and there’s a lot of places in Memphis to buy Elvis related products, but if you’re in any way a fan of the King, then you really should make the effort to visit his beautiful mansion and pay your respects in person. Tourist-haunt, perhaps, but one that’s worth the money to see how a legend lived, and the place he’s laid to rest.

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