Pros and Cons of Cosmetic Surgery Holidays

Cosmetic Surgery Holidays

One of the pros associated with cosmetic surgery holidays is that it gives you an opportunity to travel to another country. This means once you are back on your feet, you have time and opportunity to do sightseeing, dine on local cuisine, enjoy shopping, and more. In other words, while the primary goal is to have cosmetic surgery performed, you also get the chance to vacation.

Another pro of having this type of surgery performed overseas is that often, the procedure is more affordable than what you would pay in the United States. Even with the cost of the trip, many times there is a financial savings. Then, many countries have more advanced and innovative techniques and equipment, which means the surgery results are better than anticipated

Now, along with there being many positive aspects of cosmetic surgery holidays, there are also some things to consider. For instance, most people have read about celebrities who have gone overseas for cosmetic surgery and either been harmed or died. No matter the country, facility, or procedure, choosing the surgeon is no different from what you would do for surgery back home. The surgeon should be highly trained and educated, and be able to provide a list of references to check.

Another con is that if there should be a problem, even if the problem were small, you might find yourself needing more recovery time or additional help. This means you now have an added expense or need to find someone who can come to the country where the surgery was performed to be with you while you heal. Obviously, this creates huge challenges so hope for the best but plan for the worst!

Finally, when having cosmetic surgery in the UK or the country where you live, you have the chance to schedule an appointment with the surgeon. With this, you can visit, ask questions, and address concerns. However, when booking surgery in another country, this part of the process is eliminated. That means you have no idea who the doctor is other than the research you have performed on him or her. The key in having a cosmetic surgery holiday is to weigh the pros and cons so you can make an informed decision.

The Adventure of Monte Carlo Tourism

Monte Carlo vacations are perfect in that people of all ages and lifestyles will find many things to enjoy. Monte Carlo is an ideal place for honeymooners, families with small children, or single travelers looking for a place with fun, romance, and adventure. With so many opportunities, most people who visit Monte Carlo are so impressed that they put this at the top of the list for future travel.

One of the main attractions associated with Monte Carlo is the vast number of cultural events, beautiful gardens, historical sites, and so on. While you could choose to visit any of these after arriving, many tourists will actually build the vacation around such activities. Of course, the Grand Prix Formula One, which is an event known around the globe, is one of the greatest things that Monte Carlo offers, attracting thousands of people.

To plan a trip to Monte Carlo, you should conduct online research so you can learn about all this destination has to offer. If you were interested in Fine Arts, then you would fall in love with the art galleries and museums located throughout the city. Monte Carlo is also known for their Performing arts, most commonly seen in ballets, opera, and concerts. This cultural city is a great way to educate children while also providing them with outdoor activities.

With a 700 year history of Grimaldi royalty, many rich and famous people live or visit Monte Carlo. Even though there are areas considered high-end, remember that the people of Monte Carlo also want tourists of all walks of life to come and visit. For this reason, accommodations come in many different forms, some luxurious and expensive, and others quaint and affordable. Therefore, do not be dissuaded in taking a trip to this lovely city if you are traveling on a budget.

On The Trail of Scotland’s Loch Ness Monster!

By far the best way to explore Loch Ness is by boat. You can find boat tours from places such as Fort Augustus, or even a longer cruise from Inverness. The loch is around 300m deep which creates a black appearance to the water and this adds to the mystery and atmosphere of the myth. If you can take your line of vision from the water, look up at the banks of the loch for some of the most stunning scenery that Scotland has to offer.Scotland Loch Ness monster

Along the banks of the loch you can explore the ruins of Urquhart Castle. The Tower House is almost all that is left of what was once one of Scotland’s biggest castles. It’s quite a climb to the top but the visitor center and viewing area of the loch make it worth the effort. Another area in the Loch Ness region that’s worth a visit is Fort Augustus. Take a walk beside the canal that runs behind the serene 19th century Abbey. Have a refreshment break here at the Lock Inn before proceeding to Drumnarochit where you can explore the evidence and theories surrounding the legend of Loch Ness.

At times the Loch Ness monster mystery seems to be a overplayed, and the evidence offered at the visitor centers such as that at Drumnarochit is very focused on the possibility that Nessie exists rather than dispelling the myth. However the beauty and tranquility of the area, and the magnificence of the Scottish scenery around Great Glen and Loch Ness in particular can’t be ignored. If you’re in the Inverness or Fort William area of Scotland, it’s well worth a visit – who knows, you might even take a photo on the Loch that adds to Nessie’s reputation in the area!

Visit Viking Birka, Sweden’s First Town

At its peak Birka had around 700 inhabitants, a community where both pagan and Christian people lived side by side in an arrangement of streets. Today, although the streets can’t be seen, the ramparts that surrounded the old town are still visible as are the cemeteries where the dead Vikings were laid to rest. From the on-going excavation work archaeologists have discovered much about the social structure of Birka, and the international trading that took place on the island.

At the Birka Museum you’ll be able to see some of the items that archaeologists have removed from the ground on the island. There are also a number of models that depict life as it must have been for the people living on the island around the 9th century. The museum and its model reconstructions are the only physical signs of Viking life you’ll see at Birka however. This isn’t a theme park where costumed staff usher you onto simulated Viking longboats, but rather an island where current archaeology techniques are being used piece together the story of how people lived centuries ago.

birka_guided_tour One of the best things about Birka, apart from the atmosphere and sense of place you get when standing on the land where warriors and traders once traded with people from the middle east, is the commute from Stockholm! It takes about 1.5 hours on the ferry to get to the island and this is through a beautiful internal archipelago on Lake Maleran. Once on the island, make sure you take a tour (offered in Swedish and English!) given by one of the island’s guides. They will help you make sense of what you see and put the history into perspective.

A World Heritage Site Birka maintains a strict control over the amount of people it allows on the island, and ensures that everyone leaves the island at night, so don’t expect to camp there next to the graves of the Viking dead! Instead, enjoy the cruise back to Stockholm and experience in some of the local nightlife in the Swedish capital.

Photo acknowledgement: Bengt A. Lundberg

Things to Do in the Historic City of York, UK

Once in the city center there’s a vast array of history literally beneath your feet. The Minster is a great way of navigating as it’s seen by most parts of the city. Right beside the Minster you’ll find the Micklegate Bar Museum, but if it’s a more indepth look at life in York throughout the centuries that you’re looking for then a visit to York Castle Museum isn’t to be missed! With a recreated Victoria Street, clothes and toys throughout the ages, civil war (English) exhibits, and even the condemned cell that once housed the most famous Highwaymen of them all, Dick Turpin, this museum has something to capture the imagination of all ages!

Back in the city center wander down to the Jorvik Museum for a look even further back in time to when the Vikings used York (Jorvik is the Viking name for York) as one of the major cities. Inside the museum you travel back in time to 975AD where a reconstructed Viking street now stands514075_york_minster where archaeologists found remains of the real thing.

Get a sense of mediaeval York in the Shambles. This is a street with shops, many of which sell souvenirs. Don’t just look at the store windows however, the Shambles is famous for the narrow gap between the top floor of the houses on either side of the cobbled street. Imagine what it must have been like to be able to reach out of your upstairs window and shake hands with the people living across the street!

You can see much of York’s heritage, including its original city walls by simply wandering around, but many of the museums and attractions have an entrance fee. If you intend to go into many of these then it might be worthwhile purchasing a Visit York pass which allows free entrance into many of the more popular attractions and reductions on the entrance fee for others. The pass also includes a guidebook to the city, and allows for special rates at certain restaurants and shops.

York is a great city break. Whether you intend to spend a day there, or a few days, you’ll find many interesting things from ghost trails to river tours and of course steam locomotive journeys to fill your time. As cities go, York’s got something for everyone.

Are We There Yet? Tips on Road Trips with Kids

  1. Prepare your kids in advance. If the journey is going to take 3 hours, then tell them that’s how long it’s going to be. If they’re not old enough to understand how long 3 hours is, then tell them it’s like watching their favorite TV program 6 times, or they’ll get there a lunch-time, or it will be dark when they arrive. Giving children information that they can understand means that if they do start “are we there yet?” you can then use this as a guide to illustrate to them how much travel time is left.
  2. On a similar theme, you could make a cardboard clock and mark the time in red when you expect to arrive at your destination (allow time for traffic delays or you’ll run out of time on your “clock”). Move the hands about every 15-20 minutes so that your young passengers can see that they are getting closer to their destination.
  3. Another idea is to use a map. Put a ring around your destination and then every 100 miles mark a line on the map so that again the children can get a visual image about how much longer it’s going to take to get there.
  4. Have a mystery bag of treats and surprises. Every half hour or so let your children choose something from the bag. These don’t have to be expensive things, just something that will give you a few minutes of peace and quiet. Things like activity books and magnetic puzzles work well. Avoid anything that has small pieces which could fall onto the floor in the car and require you to stop and find it!
  5. Remember that kids have energy that’s constantly building throughout the day. Before you leave home, look at the journey you’re going to take and make a note of any places that look suitable rest areas – parks with playgrounds are great places to let your kids run off some steam for a little while. A break from the road will also help keep the driver refreshed. Have a small picnic, then make sure that the kids have a bathroom visit before getting back into the car and then you’re good to go for the next hundred or so miles. Even a 15 minute snack and run break can help keep kids tempers from flaring.
  6. Play games such as counting games (how many trucks in 5 minutes, blue SUVs in 10 miles, stop signs etc) to keep your children’s minds occupied. Other games could include memory games where you start a spoken list of things and each person has to remember what has already been added to the list, and then add something new, and the ever popular license plate spotting game – in the US/Canada, these could be states/provinces, within Europe then country plates can be used.
  7. Think about specific landmarks you will see on your journey and make a list of these for each child in your car. Have them cross them off as they see them. Offer a small prize for the first person who spots each landmark with a larger prize for the person who has the most firsts.

There are few things worse than being imprisoned in a stuffy vehicle for hours at a time with children who are restless, bored and full of energy. Plan your road trip with care so that you all know how long it’s going to take, what you’re going to do to get through the time, and how much fun you’ll have when you arrive at your destination.

Keeping Kids Safe on Vacation

1092318_beach_dream_1_lostchild This is especially important with young children who don’t speak as well, as well as those who are too young to remember much about who they are, their parents are and where they’re staying if they get stressed out because they’re lost. Put a tag in their shoe with relevant information such as your cell phone number (if it works in your vacation destination), your hotel name, your child’s name, language and any health information such as diabetic or other condition that requires medication. If possible, if you are in a non-English speaking country, translate any important information to the local population as well as other English speaking tourists.

Instruct your child to hand this tag over to someone like a security official, or someone working in a store, if they are find themselves lost. Role play this with them so that if they do find themselves split up from you within a crowded area, they will be confident enough to find the right kind of person to introduce themselves to, say that they have lost mommy and daddy, and hand them the card.

If your children are a little older you could also supply them with a coin for the local public telephone service and put the hotel’s phone number on it so that your child can phone the reception desk at the hotel, and ask them how to get back to the hotel. This way you can also phone the hotel reception to see if they’ve called.

Always have a plan on how to get back together if you get split up when out and about, especially at theme parks – the main gate is usually a good place, or a well-seen landmark. Make sure you all have a map and mark out the meeting place on it. Your kids can always ask a staff member to show them where they are on the map and that will help them get back to the meeting place.

Airports are another area where you need to have a clear strategy for your children to follow if they become lost as one gate looks rather like another, one check-in desk looks like another so it will be easy for them to get very stressed quickly. One strategy for this would be to find a toy bracelet and write in permanent marker your name, airline and flight number on it, and instruct your children to hand this to a member of airport staff at any check-in desk. Do not allow your child to carry their own passport. As long as you have the passport, they’re not leaving the country without you.

As much as you try to keep your family together, it’s easy to become detached from the group especially when there are a lot of other people around. Prepare your kids in advance for this possibility and make sure they know exactly what to do so that you are reunited with them quickly.

Save Money on your UK Family Vacation with a Friends and Family Railcard

There are restrictions however. The main one is that two adults can sign on the ticket as the official ticket holders and at least one of them must be included in the group of 4 adults/4 children. Unless one of the named ticket holders is there, the discount can’t be applied. The second main restriction is that there must be at least one child over the age of 5 in the group – 4 adults and no children isn’t eligible for the Friends and Family discount. The other main restriction is that not all train journeys are allowed with the discount. The main journey restrictions involve peak travel times on peak travel routes so the best way of ensuring that you can use the Friends and Family Railcard discount against your train ticket purchase is by asking the ticket seller BEFORE you purchase the Railcard. There are other restrictions, especially regarding eligible child age, so make sure you read the terms and conditions before buyi30845_the_train_that_didnt_stop_UKng the Railcard and that way you’ll know that it’s worth the added expense.

Restrictions, rules and regulations aside, this Railcard is great for a family vacation. Imagine saving £10 on each adult fare and £5 on each child fare – for a family of four that’s a saving of £30, on one return journey you’ll have paid for the card and saved an additional £5, plus the card is valid an entire year. Additionally there are savings to be made through deals the company has with other places, such as if you buy the Friends and Family Railcard online currently you’ll get a free one-year membership with the Youth Hostel Association. Just now there are a number of 2 for 1 ticket discounts at such London attractions as Madame Tussauds, The London Dungeon and ZXL London Zoo, plus 2 for 1 offers for theater tickets such as “Les Miserables” and “We Will Rock You”. These offers are subject to change so make sure you sign up for any update information emails that are offered when you purchase your Friends and Family Railcard.

As with all things you must ensure that the Railcard will be valid for the purpose you need it, but if it is, then you’ll find it was financially worth the effort you made looking into it. And if you travel through Manchester using your rail card, make sure you visit the Beetham Tower as it’s the highest residential building in Europe.

Experience Florida’s Everglades

Moving into the more untamed Everglade area is an adventure. This isn’t a Disney theme park and all visitors must understand that they need to be vigilant about personal security within the Everglades National Park. The first stop for anyone to the area should be to the ranger station. Here you will learn about where you799561_warning_2_everglades_FL_warning can travel, where you should avoid, what to do if you’re lost, leave a record of the route you plan to follow, the kind of wildlife you should try to avoid getting too close to (including insects), and any specific information regarding the wildlife in your chosen location of the park.

A world heritage site, the Everglades National Park is home to many rare and endangered species. Within its boundaries you can pursue activities such as canoeing, walk, and even camp (if you have a permit) to do so. Footwear is important because of the swamp areas such as that around Shark Valley which has approximately 2-3 inches of water.

One of the best ways to get the most out of your visit to the Everglades National Park is to take a guided tour. It’s not as flexible as being able to do your own thing, but given the restrictions on visitors to the park, and the dangers involved in guiding yourself, being driven around by someone familiar with the area has distinct advantages. One such tour is the 2-hour Shark Valley tour which includes a stop at an observation platform from which you can get a great overview of the Everglade area. Other tours offered within the park include fishing, kayaking and camping.

799524_air_boat_2_everglades_FL Of course if you’re familiar with anything about the Everglades, it’s the alligators and air boats. If you’re in the water, watch out for the alligators snaking their way quietly alongside you! If you’re kayaking or canoeing keep your hands out of the water! If you want to take a ride on one of the airboats, you’ll find tours that offer this experience – be prepared for noise though as these vehicles aren’t quiet!

The Everglades offer a unique vacation opportunity and even if you aren’t vacationing in Naples, but rather in Miami, or even down on one of the Florida Keys, you should schedule a day to explore the wild beauty of the Everglades. If you only have one day to spare in this area, then taking a couple of tours at the Everglades National Park will still create more memories than you’d ever believe possible from a single day’s outing.

Enjoy a Vacation on Florida’s Gulf Coast

In St. 130267_st__pete_beach_sunsetPetersburg one thing you can’t miss investigating is The Pier. It’s well-known upside-down pyramid shape is synonymous with the area. Delights inside include an observation deck, aquarium, and disco as well as the usual shopping and eating places. From there why not take the trolley down to the hands on Great Explorations museum which children of all ages will find fascinating. Other museums in the area include the Florida Holocaust Museum, the Florida International Museum, the Museum of Fine Arts, and the Salvador Dali Museum, so if the Gulf Coast sunshine gets too much for you, there’s plenty of places in St. Petersburg where you can keep cool as well as entertained. Lovers of nature however will find the Sunken Gardens a great alternative to the usual beach and gulf wildlife.

Tampa is a rapidly expanding city but for visitors to the area it’s not known so much for its cigars as it is the world famous Busch Gardens. Although a theme park by definition, the Busch Gardens are somewhat different to most theme parks as they include one the USA’s best zoos. The entire park is based around an African theme, and incorporates natural beauty, excitements, thrills and spills, and a little bit of fantasy. There’s even a water park for those who need to cool off after a ride or two on Gwazi, the park’s huge dueling roller coaster. Other Tampa highlights include the Henry B. Plant Museum housed within the lavish Tampa Bay Hotel, and the Starlite Princess, an old paddlewheeler that offers trips for those who love to be out on the water.685092_statue_ringling_brothers_mansion_sarasota

If you’re looking for a little culture on your vacation to Florida’s Gulf Coast then you must add a trip to Sarasota to your itinerary as this city is noted as being the cultural center of the state. With restored Victorian architecture, antique stores, dinner cruises, and a number of great museums – such as the Museum of Cars and Music of Yesterday, the Ringling Museum of Art, and the magnificent Ringling Museum: Ca’ D’Zan. More natural attractions include the Sarasota Jungle Gardens, the Marie Selby Botanical Gardens and Pelican Man’s Bird Sanctuary.

If you wish to venture a little further afield on your vacation, why not drive south and check out the working ranch and swamp buggy rides of the Babcock Wilderness Adventures, or alternatively get a taste of old time Florida in Fort Myers. Drive north from St. Petersburg however and you’ll experience some of the best natural attractions on the Gulf Coast at Crystal River.

If you’re looking for a vacation that offers a good degree of sunshine with clean beautiful beaches, along with a lot of interesting places to explore, the Florida Gulf Coast has a lot to offer.