On The Trail of Scotland’s Loch Ness Monster!

By far the best way to explore Loch Ness is by boat. You can find boat tours from places such as Fort Augustus, or even a longer cruise from Inverness. The loch is around 300m deep which creates a black appearance to the water and this adds to the mystery and atmosphere of the myth. If you can take your line of vision from the water, look up at the banks of the loch for some of the most stunning scenery that Scotland has to offer.Scotland Loch Ness monster

Along the banks of the loch you can explore the ruins of Urquhart Castle. The Tower House is almost all that is left of what was once one of Scotland’s biggest castles. It’s quite a climb to the top but the visitor center and viewing area of the loch make it worth the effort. Another area in the Loch Ness region that’s worth a visit is Fort Augustus. Take a walk beside the canal that runs behind the serene 19th century Abbey. Have a refreshment break here at the Lock Inn before proceeding to Drumnarochit where you can explore the evidence and theories surrounding the legend of Loch Ness.

At times the Loch Ness monster mystery seems to be a overplayed, and the evidence offered at the visitor centers such as that at Drumnarochit is very focused on the possibility that Nessie exists rather than dispelling the myth. However the beauty and tranquility of the area, and the magnificence of the Scottish scenery around Great Glen and Loch Ness in particular can’t be ignored. If you’re in the Inverness or Fort William area of Scotland, it’s well worth a visit – who knows, you might even take a photo on the Loch that adds to Nessie’s reputation in the area!

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